Lifting Resource Library
Athletic Burnout: An Underdiscussed Phenomenon
5 Tips to Minimize Athlete Burnout: A few years ago, I began having discomfort in my glute, which ultimately led to experiencing some pretty bad burnout. It got to the point where I even considered...
How to cut weight without sacrificing strength
Weight cutting for a powerlifting competition is a common strategy many athletes use to gain a competitive advantage. This strategy assumes that stronger men and women have significantly greater...
10 Practical Tips to Improve Your Sleep Hygiene
Adequate sleep is a cornerstone of health and wellness, often overlooked in its critical role in recovery and rejuvenation. Its influence extends far beyond mere rest, impacting mood, cognitive function, and overall life quality, both inside and outside fitness. Not sufficient sleep can detrimentally affect performance, particularly in skill- or energy-demanding activities.
Ice Baths After Training Limits Muscle Growth
Ice water baths have become an increasingly popular post-training recovery technique for athletes. Whether you’re a bodybuilder, powerlifter, or fitness enthusiast, you’ve probably considered adding...
Are deloads overrated?
There is no such thing as a fixed destination regarding strength training. Strategies that were once considered evidence-based practices get reassessed and occasionally redefined. Training styles...
Do You Need to be Sore to Build Muscle: Understanding DOMS
There is no such thing as a fixed destination regarding strength training. Strategies that were once considered evidence-based practices get reassessed and occasionally redefined. Training styles...